Current Projects

Importation of Battery Chargers

Locate a battery charger manufacturer somewhere in the world that already has or could develop a range of high end battery chargers to be incorporated into the existing product line. The chargers are to be of the highest quality and specification to suit the client's demanding customers. And of course the price needs to be right.

Trailer Alarm

To develop (to prototype stage) an alarm for a trailer. The market is the protection of the trailer and the trailer contents (tradesperson's trailers, Personal Water Craft, boats, motorbikes etc). Unit has to be self-supporting and simple to use and install. Scope includes all electronics and mechanicals.

Unique Software Product

Develop a sales plan for a unique software product developed in Australia for the world market. The plan needs to be tested and modified as appropiate. The sales message, approach, strategy and tactics are included in the scope.

Grey Water Use

Develop to prototype stage a grey water recycling capability to be integrated from commonly available products. Unit must be capable of pumping the grey water to head of at least 2.5 metres and be capable of meeting the flow demands of a large capacity washing machine. Unit sales price is to be under $50.

PDU Brackets

Develop to final product, a unique bracket that can locate a number of Power Distribution Units (PDUs) that do not occupy any RU space in the equipment rack.

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Product Imports
Prototype Development

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+61 418 353 281